Lodge meeting & Festive Board Booking - 29th January 2025 - Burns Night
Dinner will only be reserved for those Members and their guests who have, by the Saturday preceding the meeting, booked in via this page or informed W.Bro. David Ford # Tel: 01252 524809 email davidwkford@ntlworld.com indicating method of payment and dietary requirements.
Permanent Dining Members must inform W.Bro. David by the same date if they are unable to attend otherwise they will be liable for the cost of the meal
This month’s menu: Haggis, neepes & tatties (and a wee dram to toast), roast beef & all the trimmings, profiteroles, coffee cheese & biscuits
Direct payment of dining fees can be made to the Lodge bank account: Account No.10482348, Sort code 16-19-26. Please use “dining” and your surname as the reference and let the dining secretary know that you have paid by BACS.
The cost of the meal will be £25 Members, £28 Guests
To download the full summons, please click the button below: